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Submissions are Currently Closed
Thank you for your interest in submitting to Starry Forest Books.
We are not accepting submissions at this time.
When we are open to submissions, please refer to the following guidelines:
Submissions should be emailed to submissions@starryforestbooks.com.
The email subject should be the title of your manuscript, plus the editor's name, if you have a specific one in mind. If you are responding to a Twitter request, please also include the event hashtags in the subject line.
Please include:
A query (no more than 1 page)
The manuscript text as a Word document OR a PDF sketch dummy as an attachment in spread layouts.
Your query must contain:
The story pitch
A suggested age range
If you are represented by an agent (or plan to be)
For authors: a bio that describes your occupation, publishing history, and any other information relevant to your manuscript.
For illustrators: please also include a link to your website or portfolio
Due to the high number of submissions we receive, we only respond to those being considered for publication. Please allow up to 12 weeks for a response.